Site Info
Jaro Quastenberg, residing in Mahlower Str. 9, 12049 Berlin, Germany, is responsible for the content of this website in accordance with §5 TMG.
Contact Information
By accessing, browsing, or using this Site, You acknowledge that all content on here, including the Site's design, code, graphics, images, text, formatting, sounds and other materials (collectively, Content), are the property of or its licensors, and are subject to and protected by German and international copyright and other intellectual property laws and rights. You may not copy, reproduce, distribute, republish, download or otherwise use any of the Content in any form or by any means, without the prior written authorisation of Jaro Quastenberg or the respective intellectual property rights owner.
Thank you
I would like to send a big thank you to the fellow humans who supported me in creating this project and to the wonderful open-source community out there.